Sunday, 18 January 2015

Blogs I have visited

1.    I have visited 5 blogs created by my classmates and I can say that they impressed me a lot. First blog I would like to recommend to look at is created by Edoardo Cerna. His blog is about Media Violence and how it affects our society and what type of consequences it can have.

2.    Second blog was written by Laura Emrichova. She provides an explanation of the cyber bullying and about seriousness of this issue.

3.       Third blog was created by Barbara Labosova and her topic is very closely connected to mine. She writes about discrimination of the women in media and everyday´s lives.

4.      Another very interesting blog I have visited is blog about Media and sport and is focused on the Yachting and the way how this sport is depending on the Media. Anastasia describes her topic very well and I strongly recommend this blog to visit if you are interesting in the sport as Yachting is.

5.      As a last blog I would like to recommend to visit is about Teen´s fashion. In this blog you can find interesting information about what is the influential element of their clothing style and what is popular among them nowadays. This blog is written by Iuliia Bespalova.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

I decided to write my blog about one of the most commented issues which is ´How the women are presented in media´. Currently. women are presented mostly as a sexual object with the main purpose to catch the attention of the audience. Their performance is very often closely connected with sexuality which used to decrease women´s personal status and influence the way people are looking at women.
Why did I start to write about content published in the media which is full of women and sexuality?
Nowadays, everything communicate, everything is connected together. All information are shared through communication devices, advertisers are using Tv, radios, internet and also billboards, magazines and newspapers to sell it´s products and services. To create a good ad which sells, advertisers need to be sophisticated and create something which is related to its product or service. Most of ads, Tv spots and many other types of advertising are full of women and girls. Many of them are half naked or their ads have a sexual content. Why do advertisers are using this type of ads? The answer is very easy. Sex sells and also everything what is connected with it.

How I see it

A Sexual Objectification of women in Media

Based on the daily amount of information we are receiving from the media, we are aware of the fact that women and men are portrayed through different way in any type of media. Women are more likely to be put into the disadvantaged positions, for instance ´passive and submissive roles´.
Media is basically feeding  us with stereotyping images which prevents development of equality among genders. Females are presented from the childhood as little girls playing with their Barbie dolls and little kitchen service. They also tend to be interested in the physical beauty and gentle behavior which is following them during whole life. Otherwise, boys are more into fighting, aggressive behavior, they prefer games with action and playing with cars.
 The whole behavior that we see among the children is actually picture of what do our society expects from us. They just do exactly what they know from the media.

Objectification of the women can affect women´s mental health in way that they can start to perceive themselves only as a sexual-objects for men and stop to consider themselves as valuable human beings.
During the average daily Tv prime time, radio broadcasting, Internet usage and also the amount of  magazines posters, women suppose to be presented in ads with sexual content and objectified manners more often than man. Advertisers dress up women into the sexist clothes which evokes men´s desires and inappropriate behavior. It is also one of the reasons why those women became target group of the men´s sexual comments or sexual taunts ( critical words toward their body),  sexual remarks, and changes of behavior ( verbal molestation, harassment,).
Media sets the standard of ideal physical beauty which is often connected with sexiness and physical attractiveness.
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As it is written in the interview made by (X, Foote, Cone and Belding, 1972), there is just a small amount of women who are actually satisfied with the way they are presented in Media. Majority of them were mostly confused about their feelings about this issue but in the end their reactions and comments were mostly in negative than in positive way. 
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Women in the families are also affected by the objectification and the way they are portrayed in the Media. Majority of them do what is expected from them, for example to be a great wife, house cleaner, child keeper and many other positions which are esoterically settled for women by  the society. 
To change this stereotyping module that women cannot be as successful as men, society has to focus on the children s upbringing and since their little age to make them understand the equality if the genders.

Media content is annually more and more sexualized or even ´´ pornified´´ . It has a negative consequences on the men´s and women´s perception. From the information which were collected about popular magazines ´´ Rolling Stones´´, it is claimed that ´´ What we conclude from this is that popular media outlets such as Rolling Stones are not depicting women as sexy musicians or actors; they are depicting women musicians and actors as ready and available for sex. This is problematic because it indicates a decisive narrowing of media representations of women.

To conclude, the world´s biggest manipulator of the people´s minds and perception is Media. People do not have to be aware of the seriousness of the media´s manipulation to be it´s victim. It is also the main source of information which are educate us somehow. Women are trying to  change their image as the sexual object and bring the new perception of  their position in the society which would portrays an independent and self-confident women  who are able to reach success at any type of working positions. In comparison with he past, people´s values have changed and therefore we see what do we see. Of course, there are some positive changes that came with evolution of the Media market, for instance the amount of information we can receive from any type of Media channels which were prohibited in the past, But if we look at it  through different perspective how it changed the society and cultural values, we should consider if it was a good step forward or not.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

For further research

1.The first link I would like to recommend you to look at is called The Gender Media: The Influence of the Media on Views of Gender. In this article, you can find an additional and clear information about the way society is looking at the women in  Media and what was the real reason that people started to present women ´s ˇideal´as Barbie Doll. You can also find the answer why do people started with stereotyping and underestimating of women.

2. The second link is called Objectification of Women in Entertainment Media which provides an information about how the Media presented women in the commercial spots, how the sexual content in media affect society , the evolution of the women´s status and why do people are so much interested in it. Basically, Media provides the image of the women which was chosen by the society. This is actually what do people want to see even though it has a harmful consequences on the demographics among the people.

3.  As a third link, I would like to recommend is called Does the Media Negatively affect teenagers?
Here you can find the information about the effects of The media content  on the upbringing of the young people and in which way it influence their evolution process. Sex, Violence, Money, Body Image, all of those aspects which are the part of the content presented by the media have a harmful consequences on youth. Young generation is trying to follow the imagines they see in the Media. Young skinny women who present unrealistic ´ideal of beauty´, powerful man, Violence connected with sexual harrashment, prestige, body& image any many others.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

What the experts say II. Brain vs beauty

The most influential women in media

People use to say that everyone has what he/she should have. Some of us are beautiful, talented and some of us are intelligent. Good looking and intelligence is something we have to born with. There are also some exceptions when the person was born with enough intelligence and beauty. What does play more important role in today´s society and which type of women have a greater power to influence society?
Based on the the list of the 15 most popular and powerful women in media in 2014,showing the results of fight between beauty and brain, the result shows that people prefer someone from the show business than intellectual and assertive people who enrich world of knowledge.

What the experts say I. Beauty of Women

Beauty vs Beauty

Media users and Advertisers through hiring a super models with tall and skinny body which sends into the world the implicit message that evokes a negative effects inside the women´s mind. Women are considering themselves as beautiful if they are skinny, tall, fit, with the perfect shape of face and skin without defect. The appearance of the models in ads lead to women to consideration of their body- image. It´s basically the part of the self-confidence of every woman connected with their feelings and perception about their body. Every woman feels dissatified with at least on part of her body. She does not like her nose, her lips are too small, her legs are crooked, she is fat or too skinny atc.
The appearance of the dissatisfaction and disproportionate idea about women´s beauty arouse in young age and can survive during the whole life of woman. One of the reasons, why do young girls have those kind of feeling about their body is Media. Depend on the media, thinner you are, more closer to the ideal of beauty you are. During the recent years, researchers find out that the ´ideal´size if women´s body has grown but the perception of the society expected smaller size. The given standard of ideal women´s body represent ungenerous and unrealistic issue and therefore many of the models are suffering by the anorexia and bulimia. While the media are earning many on the producing of this danger material which affects many young girls around the world, huge amount of them are dying in the silence. They are willing to suffer to reach the ´ideal´body size.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Current events II Sex, Beauty and objectification of women in Media

Current generation of young girls have a totally different idea about beauty. Skinny, tall, flawless girls pictured in the popular women´s magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Broadway, Vouge, Bazar and many others, display women´s perfection in unrealistic way. The use of re-tush, professional make-up artists, stylists and photographers can establish an illusion of perfection which is followed by many young girls and women. Depend on this, girls are undergoing by the changes, suffer by eating disorders to keep themselves slim, use the hair extensions and false lashes to look perfect, wear inappropriate clothes and all of those changes they are willing to do just to come closer to their ideals from magazines.
Is this real  women´beauty or just illusion which became real? Do you  prefer natural beauty or the beauty created by the media?
Growing affairs in today´s society is the objectification women in advertising, publishing of the pictures which are linked to women and sex and also connection between physical beauty and happiness.
And what about sex? Is it really that important to include sex in almost every ad? Is is really the most selling part of the whole advertising and marketing? It is sad to come up with this claim, but yes it is. Sex sells and therefore, women are used as a sexual object to attract people. Sexuality is presented everywhere around us, in the magazines, billboards, Tv,radios,etc....

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Current Events I Since the beginning till today. Woman in ads

Since the 1920´s, avdertising was one of the major aspects which was selling goods and services. On the beginning of the advertising, advertisers concentrated more on the consumers than products, besed on the fact that they were aware of that the majority of the consumers were women and therefore the difference in the ad is obvious in comparison with today´s advertising. Later, in 1940´s during the world´s war when men had to serve on the fronts, women were the only one who had to look after the family and family income, women were presenting in the media as hardworking, independent women for whose everything was possible but of course still with the glamorouse style. In 1950´s, women were presenting the typical home life where their position was under the men´s power. They were innocent, weak and advertisements pictured the men´s power at home.
In 1960´s, the advertisers engaged sexuality and symbols of women´s beauty into their ads.In 1970´s, they also focused on the skin color which widespread the target consumers. In 1980´s and 1990´s, advertisers started to present women as independent human beings who belong into the working class.
And now, we have 21st century which brought us the actual type of advertising which is more likely mixture of conservative and sexy, old and young, skinny and full figure,simple and intelligent, It claims that everything is possible nowadays. What do you think that is the main reason why do advertisers changed the way they created the ads? Do you think that is up to consumers or it is because of their desire to launch their ideas into the world? Do you think that those women on the latest pictures are happy that they are presented as sexual object or do you think that they are that much into the money that they forgot about the real values of the life? Look at this video and consider your opinion about the way how women are presented in media.

Women in ads

Almost everyone of us is meeting with different type of advetising every day,When we look at the many pictures which are situated in magazines, newspapers, on the billboards or even in the videos which are selling not only products and services but also sex, self-image, love stories,popularity, their main idea is catch people´s interest through sexual concept., Based on the  daily amount of ads we can see, majority of them use women´s body to catch people´s attention. Women have played an important role in advertisement since the first advertising campaigns. They were represented as a cooks, house cleaners, wifes, babysitters and as many other forms which stand for the femininity. Currently, the advertisers are using women as sexual objects, victims of sexual violence and also as subordinate to men.